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Posts Tagged ‘stimulus plan’

The Role of Energy Monitoring in Securing Grant Funding

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

In our last post on the various resources available for pursuing energy grants, it’s clear that the stimulus package has put federal grant programs in the spotlight as a critical resource for rebuilding our economy due to the sheer amount being invested by our government. This increased visibility for federal grant programs has two very important side effects:

  1. It increases the amount of scrutiny the various grant application processes receive, to ensure that these government funds are being given to the most deserving candidates, and
  2. It increases the demand for accountability measures to be put in place to ensure that the projects that receive federal funding perform as intended and are held fiscally accountable

This means that, not only will there be more scrutiny in the grant selection process, but there will be more scrutiny after the fact to ensure that the money is being utilized properly. Prior to awarding grants, government agencies will have more extensive internal control systems and performance measures to facilitate grant management. Agencies will then have more in-depth processes for managing performance once grants are awarded, and the ability to assess grant results and use those results when awarding future grants.

So what does this mean for those applying for energy grants in particular?

I would argue that these new policies and requirements will make energy monitoring and management solution a must-have in order to secure funding for energy project.

With the amount of money involved in the stimulus package, it is only appropriate that we place a great deal of importance on the accountability aspect of these grants. As part of the application process, applicants will be required to show that the project(s) they are proposing will operate as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible, while producing the maximum results. But how can you hold anyone accountable for a project if you have no way to monitor, measure and manage the project’s performance?

That is precisely where open energy monitoring and management solutions like Fat Spaniel come in. Our solutions provide the visibility needed to have complete, actionable insight into an entire energy system - providing the key accountability data that government agencies will need to see in order to fund projects. Granted, I’m not claiming that energy monitoring solutions are some magic bullet that will guarantee funding for your projects. But as we often say - in this economic climate, it is no longer enough just to be green. You must show that your renewable energy systems can strike a balance between eco responsibility and fiscal responsibility.

Write back to us at dogblog at fatspaniel dot com if you would like to discuss how Fat Spaniel can help provide the visibility and accountability you need to ensure the most cost-effective and efficient energy systems possible.

Tom Tansy

Renewable Energy Leads In Job Creation

Sunday, March 15th, 2009

The renewable energy industry has a lot on its plate these days. Not only is our industry charged with reducing the nation’s dependence on foreign energy and helping to save the environment, but now we’re being asked to carry the weight of creating millions of new jobs too. Personally, I think this industry is up to the challenge.

The Obama administration’s stimulus package earmarks more than $20 billion for green pursuits. That’s a significant investment. Sure, the goals are lofty –doubling the nation’s renewable energy output over the next three years, for example – but that’s the point. When you combine very aggressive goals with a significant investment in renewable energy, logically one could deduce that this would spark the creation of a large number of jobs in this sector.

President Obama certainly seems to agree. His administration predicts that 3.2 million jobs will be created by the renewable energy sector over the next few years. $500 million of the stimulus package is specifically set aside for green job training. So, while we can speculate on whether or not the investment in renewable energy will translate directly to new jobs being created, the government continues to show its commitment by setting aside funds to train millions of people for these new jobs. Of note, Clean Edge, Inc., in its March 2009 report entitled “Clean Energy Trends for 2009” forecasts that the compound annual growth rate for clean energy jobs will be 16% over the next 10 years. We and our children should pay attention to that.

In addition to the financial commitment from the stimulus package, the new Middle Class Task Force  (led by Vice President Biden) has indicated that renewable energy job creation is a pillar of the nation’s economic rebuilding program. When Mr. Biden kicked off the first task force meeting two weeks ago at the University of Pennsylvania, he highlighted that investing in green job creation would provide three key benefits:

  • More jobs – and better paying jobs – to keep up with 21st century needs
  • Lower energy costs
  • A cleaner environment

Because renewable energy and energy efficiency markets represent a major, new industrial sector, green technologies will drive job growth at local, national and global levels. For example, countries like Germany and Spain have made huge investments in renewable energy, so it stands to reason that these countries will become similar hotbeds for job creation.

At the local level, San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed touted green tech as a major driver for San Jose’s economic rebuilding program in his State of the City address back in January. He highlighted the fact that clean tech companies created more than 1,500 jobs in San Jose alone last year, and he expects that trend to grow this year. He even called out Fat Spaniel as one of the companies helping lead this trend. Take a look at David Goll’s piece in the San Jose Business Journal for more information.

Write back to us at “dogblog at fatspaniel dot com” to share your views.

Posted by Tom Tansy.

Fat Spaniel and the Stimulus Bill

Monday, March 2nd, 2009

Many people have asked, “How will Fat Spaniel and the rest of the renewable energy industry benefit from the Obama administration stimulus bill?” While there are 18 discrete elements of the bill that our industry can take advantage of, three programs stand out.

Solar For Schools

 The “Solar for Schools” program appropriates $53.6 billion to a state fiscal stabilization fund. Program language specifies that states shall use 18.2% of this money for public safety and other government services, including the renovation of facilities and schools to meet green building standards. Solar energy projects qualify. (Div. A, Sec. 14001-14002, pp. 425-429)

Given Fat Spaniel’s partnerships with the Bonneville Environmental Foundation and the Sun Skool organization to promote solar in schools, Fat Spaniel is particularly excited about the opportunity to enlighten the world’s young people about renewable energy.

Government Building Energy Efficiency and Solar

This provision appropriates $5.5. billion for expenditures to construct, repair and alter federal buildings to increase energy efficiency, including installing solar energy equipment.  $4.5 billion is available for converting GSA facilities to high-performance green buildings and $1 billion is available for non-recurring maintenance on Veterans Affairs facilities, including energy projects.  The GSA estimates that 75% of the anticipated projects will include a solar component. (Div. A, p. 213)

Because of the ongoing need to maintain trust with the public, Fat Spaniel believes that it can make a key contribution to the greater good by providing renewable energy monitoring services that ensure data accuracy, transparency, auditability, and open access to the public. Fat Spaniel services are used for assessing both electricity demand and production

Renewable Energy Grants

The Renewable Energy Grant provision creates a new program through the Department of Treasury that provides grants equal to 30 percent of the cost of solar property placed in service during 2009 and 2010, in lieu of the section 48 investment tax credit. (Div. B, Sec. 1104, p. 38)

This provision represents a foundation for the U.S. solar industry, and will ensure that growth remains steady. Fat Spaniel’s revenue-grade reporting service plays a critical role in verifying that these systems were placed into service, thus enabling our customers to tap into an important source of funds

As the year progresses, we will be providing more commentary on the stimulus bill.

Write back to us at “dogblog at fatspaniel dot com” to share your views.

Posted by Tom Tansy.

Welcome to Fat Spaniel

Wednesday, February 25th, 2009

Welcome to our very first Fat Spaniel Technologies blog. This post is being written as I travel by train through Southern Germany. As nice as that sounds, I’m not on vacation; I’ll explain in a moment.

Six years ago, on January 30, 2003, I founded Fat Spaniel. The original idea was to help increase awareness of Renewable Energy and enable customers of solar electric systems to track and improve their performance. It was about showing a skeptical world that Renewable Energy is a viable source of energy and providing tools to help ensure these systems worked as promised. Our very first tagline was: “Visualize Renewable Energy”. This was both to describe the function of our product as well as indicate our desire to actively participate in helping the industry grow and succeed.

Today, through technological improvements, cost savings, public investment and innovative business models, the Renewable Energy industry has been transformed into a global, multi-billion dollar powerhouse. As one of the few bright spots in difficult economic times, our industry has landed at the intersection of some of the key issues of our time: climate change, energy independence and economic recovery.

In September of last year, I relocated to Munich, Germany, to personally launch the European Business Unit of Fat Spaniel. As I write this, travelling from our new European office, solar energy systems are visible everywhere. Farms, factories, and homes are sporting large arrays almost everywhere you look. Some estimated 14% of Germany’s grid power now comes from Renewable Energy which inspires my optimism about the future of our industry in the USA and beyond. It’s a great start, but we’ve barely scratched the surface of a massive potential market.

In early 2009, the Fat Spaniel team decided to formalize the passion and purpose that has been driving us since the beginning; to create a mission that would motivate and challenge us for many years into the future. Our vision is to enable and promote *Responsible Energy*, by making energy information easily available and ubiquitous.

An important way to move our mission forward is to share it and discuss it widely; hence the creation of this blog. Several members of the Fat Spaniel team will be posting here to share their perspective and expertise. We invite you to participate in the conversation and join our quest to accelerate the adoption of Responsible Energy.

I hope to talk with you again soon.

Christiaan Beekhuis, President & Chief Technical Officer
Fat Spaniel Technologies, Inc.