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Posts Tagged ‘monitoring’

The Role of Energy Monitoring in Securing Grant Funding

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

In our last post on the various resources available for pursuing energy grants, it’s clear that the stimulus package has put federal grant programs in the spotlight as a critical resource for rebuilding our economy due to the sheer amount being invested by our government. This increased visibility for federal grant programs has two very important side effects:

  1. It increases the amount of scrutiny the various grant application processes receive, to ensure that these government funds are being given to the most deserving candidates, and
  2. It increases the demand for accountability measures to be put in place to ensure that the projects that receive federal funding perform as intended and are held fiscally accountable

This means that, not only will there be more scrutiny in the grant selection process, but there will be more scrutiny after the fact to ensure that the money is being utilized properly. Prior to awarding grants, government agencies will have more extensive internal control systems and performance measures to facilitate grant management. Agencies will then have more in-depth processes for managing performance once grants are awarded, and the ability to assess grant results and use those results when awarding future grants.

So what does this mean for those applying for energy grants in particular?

I would argue that these new policies and requirements will make energy monitoring and management solution a must-have in order to secure funding for energy project.

With the amount of money involved in the stimulus package, it is only appropriate that we place a great deal of importance on the accountability aspect of these grants. As part of the application process, applicants will be required to show that the project(s) they are proposing will operate as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible, while producing the maximum results. But how can you hold anyone accountable for a project if you have no way to monitor, measure and manage the project’s performance?

That is precisely where open energy monitoring and management solutions like Fat Spaniel come in. Our solutions provide the visibility needed to have complete, actionable insight into an entire energy system - providing the key accountability data that government agencies will need to see in order to fund projects. Granted, I’m not claiming that energy monitoring solutions are some magic bullet that will guarantee funding for your projects. But as we often say - in this economic climate, it is no longer enough just to be green. You must show that your renewable energy systems can strike a balance between eco responsibility and fiscal responsibility.

Write back to us at dogblog at fatspaniel dot com if you would like to discuss how Fat Spaniel can help provide the visibility and accountability you need to ensure the most cost-effective and efficient energy systems possible.

Tom Tansy